Python module to embed C/C++ code within Python programs and scripts.
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from embedc import C def myround(number): return round(number, 1) def test(data): datalen = len(data) mean = 0.0 stddev = 0.0 status="Calculate statistics" C(""" #include <math.h> // import the Python function to use in C DEF double myround double printf("%s\n", status); double sum, sumsq = 0.0; for(int i=0;i<datalen; i++) { sum += data[i]; // access Python arrays } // modify Python variable mean = sum / datalen; for(int i=0;i<datalen; i++) { sumsq += pow((data[i] - mean),2); } // call Python code, passing variables stddev = myround(sqrt(sumsq / (datalen-1))); mean = myround(mean); status = "Done"; """) print("Mean = %f" % mean) print("Stddev = %f" % stddev) print(status) samples=(10.5,15.1,14.6,12.3,19.8,17.1,6.1) test(samples)
Calculate statistics Mean = 13.600000 Stddev = 4.500000 Done
Copyright 2010-2016 by Fernando Trias. All righs reserved.